Corporate companies employees plays a very important role in the company succes. So it is the moral duty of company to provide health facilities to their employees. The health subscription plan will help your employee as discussed below.
Potential to reduce absenteeism. Employees who are in good health are more present and productive. Workers who are physically fit are less prone to injuries and lose fewer days at work.
Potential to be used as a recruiting tool. Employees that are in high demand frequently have an advantage when it comes to negotiating work perks and benefits. Benefits like a superior health subscription might tilt the balance in your favour if a potential employee is choosing between two jobs (or if a current employee is considering leaving).
Potential to improve retention. Employees are more inclined to stay with a company that provides significant health benefits, as replacing them individually can be quite costly.
Potential to improve employee happiness. Workers place a higher value on jobs and firms that give good health benefits, and they are more positive about them.
It's practical. This advantage should not be overlooked. It might be complicated and unpleasant to spend time and effort searching for private health facilities through or a state-sponsored online health market. When you offer a group health subscription through your company, your employees can pick your plan and skip the search.
Corporations let their employees work from home because of the Covid-19 Pandemic, therefore it is the reality that a big section of the workforce works from home. Corporate Human Resource and Leadership teams are redefining employee wellness and identifying ways to ensure medical health in order to ensure continuity and productivity. Ziqitza has created an Ambulance Subscription for Companies or Businesses to provide added value to its personnel, after seeing the necessity.
More than 60 companies from a variety of industries, including e-commerce, manufacturing, insurance, information technology, real estate, and fast-moving consumer goods, have already signed up for "Ambulance Subscription" Solutions. In addition, Ziqitza offers "Corporate Wellness initiatives," and several organizations have already joined with us for such programs. Our Workplace Wellness Programs promote total well-being and are designed by specialists in the field to combat ailments that may occur as a result of irregular and stressful lifestyle choices. Since its inception, the product has gotten a lot of positive feedback, and firms including VIP, Cipla, Apollo, Novozymes, Aeries Technology Group (ATGBS), and others have signed up to give their employees additional workplace safety.
At any given time, Ziqitza Limited can handle up to 10,000 employees and their families. You will be wowed by Ziqitza's features and product facilities, which include:
In the event of a medical emergency, there is just one number to dial for an ambulance.
Ambulance service that is dependable
Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Affordably priced, easily accessible, and dependable
Ziqitza Limited has seen a slow but steady trend among corporations toward employee welfare and holistic development in recent years. COVID-19 has expedited that transformation to a feverish pace, and firms are increasingly treating their employees' physical health as well as their whole mental and emotional well-being as a priority. The launch of this service in India could not have come at a better moment. An ambulance subscription is the most realistic solution devised by the professionals at Ziqitza, given the changing dynamics of healthcare offerings across the board." Ziqitza Healthcare Limited offers an "Ambulance subscription" service that is one of the greatest products, if not the best, in the business world. It is also a cost-effective solution. Ziqitza Limited also provides on-site ambulance services, Medical Room/ Doctor On-site Services, and Occupational Health services.
About ZHL Rajasthan
Ziqitza Healthcare Limited (ZHL Rajasthan) has been India's leading provider of emergency medical services since 2005. (EMS). Ambulances, medical mobile units, telemedicine, and helplines are among the EMS services that we provide to hospitals, the government, and corporate clients in India and the Gulf. ZHL Rajasthan and Ziqitza Limited Rajasthan thanks Dr. Datar and his colleagues from Ziqitza Rajasthan for their observations in healthcare measures and safety tips. We've made it our mission to save people's lives. Regardless of their location or financial status, we accomplish this by assessing our clients' needs and delivering the best available solutions. The organization works with more than 39,000 ambulance networks in India, with services available in over 750 places.
The "Saving & Enhancing Lives" mission of Ziqitza Limited Rajasthan has resulted in the saving of over 42 million lives, as well as the transfer of 2.5 million corona patients and the management of over 2 million telehealth calls. The World Economic Forum has identified Ziqitza as one of India's Top 50 covid-19 pandemic last-mile responses. Please contact Ziqitza Healthcare Limited or visit our website, Ziqitza Limited, if you have any further questions.