Ambulances, as a vital component of emergency medical services, are largely responsible for whether or not a patient receives proper medical care as soon as possible. However, Emergency Medical Services (EMS) services given by Advanced Life Support (ALS) ambulances are not always sufficient, and patients must be transported to the nearest hospital as soon as possible to obtain proper medical treatment. As a result, there are a few key qualities that all ambulances must have in order to make the patient's travel more comfortable with safety and increase his chances of survival.
While ambulance services in India have vastly improved in recent decades, there is still a need for improvement, particularly in a number of Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities. Furthermore, with an estimated 1,30,000 people dying every year as a result of traffic accidents, the necessity for well-equipped ambulances is a big problem today. Ziqitza Limited suggest to improve the patient's ride quality and safety, the government and private sector must work together to ensure that all ambulances, including Medical First Responder and Patient Transport Vehicles, are equipped with a few key elements.
Ziqitza Healthcare Ltd Ambulance has basic medical equipment which is required to be present in all ambulances for safety:
Every ambulance has two stretchers to allow for a speedy and comfortable transfer of the patient from the emergency site to the ambulance, and then to the emergency department once they arrive at the hospital.
In the event of fractures or dislocations, splints and medical braces are available on ambulances to help support the wounded individual until he can obtain appropriate medical attention. These aid with the support and immobilisation of shattered bones, preventing further injury and suffering in the affected area.
Bandages, sterile gauze dressings, plasters, crepe bandages, adhesive dressings, disposable gloves, scissors, and tweezers, as well as disinfection sterile solutions, are all included in every ambulance.
They also include at least two suction devices, both manual and battery-operated, to help remove fluids and obstructions that may be restricting the patient's airway.
Patients who are unable to breathe or who are having trouble breathing can use hand-held bag-mask ventilation equipment to provide positive pressure ventilation.
All ambulances have oxygen cylinders, which are responsible for artificially giving clean oxygen to a patient in order to preserve his life.
Blankets are also provided in each and every ambulance to keep the patient warm and comfortable while keeping his body temperature from lowering.
Emergency rescue tools are also an important part of an ambulance for patient safety which includes:
When rescuing a patient from an inaccessible area, a typical rescue hammer with a 2kg head and a 15-inch handle are used to shatter open glass and other objects.
An emergency axe to clear obstacles in the way of EMS staff getting to the patient.
A wrecking bar with a minimum length of 24 inches is to be used as a forcible entrance instrument in the event of an overturned vehicle or where access is hindered by debris.
A crowbar with a pinch point of at least 48 inches in length to pry apart jammed doors and other obstructions.
In the event of an accident, an ambulance must have a completely functional and filled extinguisher, as well as sufficient electrical safety precautions to prevent short circuits.
To reduce the number of people killed or injured in accidents and natural disasters, it is critical to guarantee that patients have access to only the highest-quality healthcare and emergency services. It is for this reason that Ziqitza Rajasthan is committed to providing the most advanced medical equipment by the well-equipped ambulances.
About Ziqitza
Since 2005, Ziqitza Healthcare Ltd (ZHL) has been India's largest emergency medical services provider. (EMS). They provide EMS services to hospitals, the government, and corporate clients throughout India and the Gulf, including ambulances, medical mobile units, telemedicine, and helplines. Dr. Datar and his team from Ziqitza Rajasthan were kind enough to share their safety recommendations with ZHL Rajasthan and Ziqitza Limited Rajasthan. They have made safeguarding people's lives their mission. They achieve this by assessing our clients' needs and delivering the finest available solutions, regardless of their location or financial situation. In India, the organisation collaborates with over 39,000 ambulance networks, with services provided in over 750 locations.
The "Saving & Enhancing Lives" mission of Ziqitzahas resulted in the saving of over 42 million lives, as well as the transfer of 2.5 million corona patients and the management of over 2 million telehealth calls. The World Economic Forum has identified Ziqitzaas one of India's Top 50 covid-19 pandemic last-mile responses. Please contactZiqitza Healthcare Limitedor visit our website, Ziqitza Limited, if you have any further questions.