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Ziqitza Rajasthan : Simpler Ways to Curb Your Risk of Corona Infection

Let’s get straight to the point: the most effective way to curb your risk of getting infected with Corona is to self-quarantine as much as you can and follow the government prescribed rules. We here at Ziqitza Healthcare ltd strongly advise you to only partake in the methods given in this article after following the conventional personal protective methods or in emergencies.

What To Do If You Don’t Have Access To A Mask?

There might be some situations where you are not able to buy a mask through your nearby stores and medical shops. So, in that case, you can follow these procedures to procure amakeshift mask:

1. Use a Handkerchief- This technique is almost as effective as a cloth mask. Cloth masks tend to be tighter than a Handkerchief mask so make sure you tie it around in a way that it’s tight enough and covers your entire mouth and nasal area. Make sure the Handkerchief is clean.

2. Use an Old T-Shirt- If it’s an emergency and you really have to step out, you can wear an Old T-Shirt and cover your mouth and the nose by stretching its collar up to your nasal area. Make sure the T-Shirt is clean.

3. Use a Biker’s Mask- If you have a biker’s mask lying around; you can use it as a makeshift mask until you get a proper one. Biker’s masks tend to be a little loose so avoid using that as a primary mask. Make sure the biker’s mask is clean

How To Interact With People When Stepping Out During The Pandemic?

First and foremost, you shouldn’t be stepping out in a pandemic. But we understand that there are times where it is absolutely necessary to go outside for essential work. We would advise ordering everything online with zero contact deliveries so that your risk is minimized, but if you do have to step out, these are the rules you should follow:

1. Maintain Six Feet Distance- A six feet distance should be the standard for you maintaining social distancing. A six feet distance greatly reduces the risk of transmission of the virus from an infected person to a healthy person.

2. Avoid Second Hand Contact- You should obviously avoid the first-hand contact, but the second-hand contact can also increase the propagation of the virus. If you’re handling things like metal, plastic or cloth try to sanitize it before handing it off to the other person. Similarly, if you are receiving said materials from others sanitize them before coming in contact with them.

3. Treat People With Respect- Anyone can be an asymptomatic carrier, but that doesn’t give you a pass to misbehave with people. Follow the prescribed rules, sanitize, maintain distance, wear a mask, and call out others for not wearing a mask. But above all, maintain respect. If a pandemic is tough on you, it’s tough on others too.

How To Do A Grocery Run During A Pandemic?

1. Carry A Sanitizer- If you carry a sanitizer with you everywhere, chances are you’ll develop a habit of sanitizing your hands every time you come in contact with an unsolicited object. Keeping a sanitizer with you is handy not only in a pandemic but also in regular life.

2. Sanitize Everything- Whether it be groceries, medicines, or other things, every material has some sort of infection rate. That means the virus strain of COVID-19 can survive outside of a human host on many objects such as metal bars, plastic wrappings, clothes, etc. It can only survive for a short period of time on such materials but there is still a chance of it infecting a human. So be careful and sanitize everything you come in contact with or stuff that comes into your home.

3. Wear Gloves- Gloves are the most effective way to reduce the risk of coming in contact with the virus strain through your hands. A mask and gloves ensure very low chances of the virus entering your body if you do come in contact with the strain. Wash your gloves and masks immediately after their use.

4. Wear Full sleeved Clothing- Although this is just a small practice, wearing full-sleeved clothes does reduce the chance of your skin being exposed during a pandemic. If you can, avoid shorts and cut sleeves while stepping outside as it reduces your exposed body parts’ vulnerability.

5. Don’t Touch Objects Unnecessarily- Not coming in contact with objects when it is not required will not only help you but will also help others if you’re an asymptomatic carrier of the virus. As a thumb rule, keep your hands away from all things until absolutely necessary.

About Ziqitza

Ziqitza Healthcare is a private medical service provider that extends its services like ambulances, medical rooms and mobile medical units across areas that don’t have access to modern healthcare. Ziqitza Limited has three originally started in Rajasthan with the founders are from forming Ziqitza Rajasthan to provide world class emergency services in India on lines of 911to rural areas..

Ziqitza Limited now has centers in states like Punjab, Odisha, Madhya Pradesh, Sikkim, Maharashtra, Karnataka, NCR, Jharkhand and Gujarat Maharashtra, Orissa, Nagaland, Manipur, etc. where a major chunk of people still can’t access services like emergency ambulances, transportation, and much more. The Ziqitza Healthcare ltd call centers in Madhya Pradesh employ over 250 500people and over 150300 in Orissa. In total including all blue-collar/white-collar jobs, Ziqitza Healthcare has provided over 10,000 jobs to citizens across India and is one of the largest Indian social enterprise.

In addition to providing emergency ambulance services of the highest quality in inaccessible areas, Ziqitza Limited also collaborates with the government under various schemes to provide medical services like emergency ambulance services and transportation medical mobile units to economically weaker areas.

People can dial the108 helplines operated by Ziqitza to access free critical care. This helpline is in partnership with various state governments and Ziqitza Healthcare ltd under theNational Health Mission (NHM) to provide emergency care services for all citizens free of cost. Building up more on that, Ziqitza Healthcare also operates an emergency transportationhelpline 102in public private partnership to provide free medical transportation to pregnant women under the JSSK program launched in June 2011.

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