Around the world, an estimated 264 million people suffer from depression, one of the leading causes of disability, with numerous of these people also suffering from symptoms of anxiety. A recent WHO-led study estimates that depression and anxiety diseases bring the global frugality US$ 1 trillion each time in lost productivity. Severance is a well-honoured threat factor for internal health problems while returning to, or getting work is defensive. A negative working terrain may lead to physical and internal health problems, dangerous use of substances or alcohol, absenteeism, and lost productivity. Workplaces that promote internal health and support people with internal diseases are more likely to reduce absenteeism, increase productivity and benefit from associated profitable earnings.
This information distance addresses internal health and diseases in the plant. It also covers difficulties that aren't internal diseases but which may be created or aggravated by work similar to stress and collapse.
Being mentally healthy and living well is equally important for each one of us. We are living in such a time where we can come up with anything to help us with our chores. This advancement in technology has also created a stir in the healthcare sector for the betterment of the people. With the situation of pandemics prevailing all around the globe, one of the things for which employers and the employee have shown the greatest concern is the health and mental well-being of all. This decade has seen a lot of changes with the evolution of technology and science. These developments have made people’s lives easier by giving them access to almost everything right at their fingertips. There is never a single approach that suits each individual and the fact that science and technology now provide such a wide range of arrays has had a huge impact.
Well-being and the workplace:
With people working remotely all day long during the pandemic, it was important to keep the health and mental well-being of the individuals in check. We have all faced this reality of working long hours than the stipulated work time to deliver on a deadline or processing some request generated on an urgent basis.
When employees have time and again stepped up to deliver for their organizations when needed, it is now important for the firms to make sure to keep the physical and mental well-being of their employees in check. Employers need to take care of the employee’s health to grow and prosper in their workplace.
Firms should invest in healthcare technologies and employers should provide healthcare offerings to their employees. Any individual working in corporate is a part of the organization’s family and the organization should take care of its employees in good faith. This offering also gives security and a feeling that the organization cares about them helping the company to grow and develop with individuals putting in their best.
A tool to estimate the position of work-related stress and the measures to be taken thereof to control the same have been considerably used. (7 – 10) This tool which is known as the Work Stress Scale (WSS) allows individualities to assess for them the degree of stress faced in the following broad disciplines
● relationship problems with elders;
● regulatory constraints;
● work-family conflict;
● relationship problems with associates;
● performance pressure and
● poor job prospects.
Benefits of Healthcare offerings:
1. Employees feel valued – Individuals will put in their best whenever they go out if they are taken care of in the organization which in turn would benefit the company.
2. Time and Effort – With companies investing in technologies and offering them, employees can get checked on without putting in extra time and effort. This could be done right from their workplace or their home.
3. Organizational benefits – When organizations tend to look after their employees, the employees will stay for a longer time and work with the best of their productivity. This also helps in thriving the reputation of the organization and being known for taking care of the employees.
Ziqitza healthcare Offerings:
The organizations have realized the need for holistic wellness offerings to manage workload, stress and to take proper care of the physical and mental health of the employees. This type of offering provides a competitive edge to the organizations which helps them to attract and retain employees.
Ziqitza Healthcare Limited provides the best in medical care response to those who need it and where they need it. At Ziqitza, the professions live to thrive all throughout the day to deliver medical response care to the ones who need it. Ziqitza also provides one-stop care for the corporates, right from ambulance services at the site, wellness at the workplace, telehealth service for employees to the medical room, and doctors-on-call to the worksite.
Ziqitza Healthcare provides ambulance services all around the year for the employees in case of any emergency admission. The professions at Ziqitza Limited Rajasthan are available on call 24*7 to speak and discuss with the employees for any health-related issues. Ziqitza has introduced various programs to promote well-being in the workplace. They offer multiple routine check-ups all around the year as a preventive measure for the employees.
Not restricted to a boundary ZHL Rajasthan is present everywhere in India, including the largest Indian state by area, Rajasthan.
If we talk about the most severe crisis, ‘MEDICAL EMERGENCY’ would be the one to be crowned. Well, with mere first aid kits and physician’s prescription, we cannot and will never be able to handle the situation.
For such hard times ‘Ziqitza’ is the solution you must consider. Ziqitza Healthcare Limited (ZHL) provides urgent medical assistance wherever needed. Since 2005, Ziqitza Health Care Limited (ZHL) has been a major player in India's Emergency Medical Services industry.
Ziqitza Limited (ZHL) with a motto to revolutionize services and to expand their service reach, to be the best, to care understands the situation, and provides the best urgent response needed at the time. Ziqitza healthcare provides teleconsultation which becomes helpful while you are on a business trip.
Well, + doesn’t just use words to brag, they truly mean it and make sure that every single thing is made practical for those in need. Pointing such a practical example: During the peak of COVID, Ziqitza Limited Rajasthan stayed with the people. For providing additional ambulance support in the fight against the covid pandemic, (ZHL Rajasthan), Ziqitza Rajasthan, gets a lot of respect.